Category: Arabic
In this category you will get all mp3 Arabic naats of Arabic Naat Khawans.
Ya Rasoolallah Arabic Naat MP3 Download
Arabic Naats MP3
If you want to download this Arabic naats in Mp3, just click on the three dots and select download option.
Most of the Muslim people go for hajj in Saudi-Arabia.They saw people of Saudi-Arabia can only speak Arabic. They can only talk Arabic and communication with the pilgrims becomes very difficult for them. So they try to convey their message to the pilgrims by their hand signals or do concern with the related men who knows the language of that pilgrim.
On the other hand Saudi and other people of Arab countries are also heart lover of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). And they want to listen naats. As we know that naats are popular in India and Pakistan. Worlds famous naat khawans are from Pakistan and India. So different people from Arab countries recorded Arabic Naats for the people who can only understand Arabic language.
We have large collection of Mp3 Arabic Naats, which you can listen and download.